2014: Our 35 Year Reunion

Here are the photos in Shutterfly: https://link.shutterfly.com/k6IfxYlpTDb
Have some to add?  email Alice

There were 66 classmates there!  Here’s who came and who helped:

Capi Atwood Becker and her husband Mark
Bobby Blount
Lisa Burns Barlow
Jennifer Byrnes
Elizabeth Campbell Wilmot
Dorris Coleman
Ann Copeland
Spencer Deadrick
Nancy Denning
Thea Diserio Ross
Bill Farmakis and his wife Jennifer
Garry Fenner and his wife Amy
Amey Flavin Simonds
Betsy Flippin Engel
Sam Fuller
Nancy Greenwood Albertson
Belinda Grosskopf Wasser
Lisha Haan Crawford
Barbara Haigh Fittro
Gail Hamilton
Elizabeth Hance Brown
Leigh Anne Hardy Philips and her husband Sid
Paula Heneberry
Susan Henrici Kehoe
Ed Hughes
Walter Jaykus
Carsten Jerrild
Bobby Keating
Fred Kniffin
Craig Koehler
Cynthia Lee
Melissa Makris
Tom McCarthy
Katherine Megrue Smith
Nicole Meyer
Pamela Mitchell Trainer
Carolyn Munro
Margaret Nagle
Nancy Nash Watkins
Susan Neale Lane
Hope Oliver Roel
Mat Orefice
Amanda Patterson Ormond
Brian Qualey
Andrew Regan
Beth Ann Reuther Lico
Alice Ridgway and her husband Kevin
Sean Riley
Forrest Rodts
Linda Rose Powell
Kevin Ruth
Greg Sandor
Steve Schott
Bridget Sekera Taylor
John Senner
Ailey (Debbie) Smith
Michael Socci
Sally Sounders Firestein and her husband David
Will Spalding
Melinda Thomsen
Peter Ulrich
Susheela Vasan
Jim Vitti and his wife Ana
Angela Vitta McCabe
John Watkins
Mary Woodhouse Parisi

Volunteers, Donors and Sponsors

Meredith Bach – decorations and volunteer coordinator
Jennifer Byrnes – registration
Doris Coleman – gift bags, photography
Nancy Denning – donor
Kristin Frank – Woodway connection!
Nancy Greenwood – name tags
Beth Reuther Lico – hunting people down
Nicole Myer – registration
Matt Orefice – awesome music
Sean Riley – preliminary calls and registration
Forrest Rodts – sponsor
Bridget Sekera – hotel & limo connections
Kathy Megrue Smith – sponsor and limo connections
Pam Mitchel Trainer – registration
Angela Vitti McCabe – gift bags
Katherine Welch – sponsor