The Class of 1979 Scholarship Fund

GREAT NEWS!  So far SEVEN artistic and generous classmates have donated items for another raffle / basket auction that will be held at our 45th reunion on October 12th!  If you would like to donate an item or items, please reach out to Nancy Denning who is heading it up this year.  She can be reached on Facebook or through the contact us form on this website.

If you are coming to the reunion, remember to bring cash so you can buy MANY tickets. 

What is the Class of 1979 Scholarship?
It is a named, endowed, on-going scholarship that memorializes our deceased classmates. People can contribute to this at any time!  You might even want to consider this as you update your planned giving and final wishes.

It’s Origins
Thank you to the insightful 2019 Reunion Committee and classmates who have generously donated.
  At the party in 2019, we had a raffle featuring 3 beautiful works of art created and donated by fellow classmates. The proceeds of that raffle created raised over $2000 to help provide financial aid for New Canaan High School graduates pursuing higher education.

Please visit for more information.